
Michael Faraday The Inventor Of EMI.

"There was one boy, the son of a blacksmith. He was deeply interested in physics.He didn't have sufficient money for his study's. So he accepted a job at book binder's shop. He used to sleep in the shop at night. And used to read the scientific books given for binding purpose. One day he heard about Oersted's experiment on the magnetic needle. The experiment simply tells that when the magnetic needle is placed near the current carrying conductor then the magnetic needle gets fluctuated according to the direction of the current flow(The direction of fluctuation can be determined by using Right Hand Thumb Rule.). Michael began to think that if magnetic needle get's fluctuated due to electric field there should be converse effect of this. And he started a research on it. He carried out lots of experiments on if but never got succided. After a long search he tired of all these things and on day in an anger he thrown the magnet very fast. And unfortunately that magnet gone very close to the metal wire connected to the Galvanometer. And instantly the galvanometer shown the fluctuatin. And Michael got success in his research. And no doubt that guy was Michael Faraday, an inventor of electromagnetic induction(EMI)." "The law of EMI states that whenever there is a change in the magnetic field associated with the coil, the electromotive force(EMF) is induced in that coil." e= -N(di/dt). [Where N is the no. of turns of the coil and di/dt is the rate of change of current.]

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